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Tramway plans in Uppsala

Spårvägsplaner i Uppsala

In 2018 the national government made an agreement with the Uppsala Region and Uppsala city regarding the Uppsala package. Amongst other things an agreement was made the government will expand the heavy railroad between Stockholm and Uppsala to four tracks, and Uppsala agreed to build a new tramway system between the coming new railway stations and residential areas in southern Uppsala. The city also agreed to build a large number of dwellings in the city. 

The tramway will run från the new station in Bergsbrunna (a local commuter rail station) over Sävja and Ultuna to Gottsunda, and then continue to the city center and the railway station there in two lines. The government has to this day agreed to finance the tramway with 900 billion SEK, and further co-financing is available. 

In early 2020 a decision was made to cotinue planning for the tramway after another report comparing BRT with tramway was made. The final decision to build the tramway will be taken in 2021. 

You can read more about the project by clicking here.

Picture: Vision for the tramway in Uppsala, Ångström laboratory, White arkitekter