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Light rail plans in the Nordic countries

Spårväg i snö i Norrköping.

Spårvagnsstäderna has compiled a list of existing plans and ideas for new tramways in Sweden and the other Nordic countries. Below is a list of projects that have been identified as good when municipalities and regions have analysed the need for future plans. 

Some tramways projects are already decided upon and financed with local, regional and national funds. Other projects have been staked out in general plans or are even earlier in the planning process. The objects differ in scope, Uppsala is planning for brand new light rail system, while Gothenburg has several projects in the loop including both smaller and larger ones.


Cities with light rail plans before 2035

Tramway ambitions vary greatly in scope between different cities, and also the stages of realization. Some cities are in principle ready to start digging, while others stile await further studies. 

Read more about the different plans below:


Cities with light rail plans after 2035

Several cities are planning their public transport systems to create fast trunk bus lines in a way that will allow conversion to light rail in the future. This makes the bus services more attractive with more direct routes, increased visibility and long term property reservations for public transport. These trunk lines can be converted to light rail in the future should the need arise.

Read more about the plans below:

Cities with paused plans

Some cities have paused their light rail plans for one reason or another. It could be lack of financing or a political decision to move in another direction. Some of this plans can be resumed should the need arise, and we have saved them below for archival reasons. 

Read more about the plans below: